Slideshare is a web based program which allows an online community a place to upload and share their work whether it be documents, powerpoints or adobe portfolios (Slideshare, 2009). Not only does this free program allow you to search and view slides made public by other users but it also gives you the choice of selecting and controlling your own privacy settings. Which within an educational environment is vital especially if students are interacting with the website and account. While using this program I found it interesting and seemingly easy to use when uploading the powerpoint, of course with help from the good old 'help toolbar.' The following powerpoint I have uploaded is based around a recent assessment piece our group (Hannah and Kobi) completed on Authentic Assessment. Although this is not the powerpoint we used in the presentation but one I have quickly done up with some of the main points highlighted. As you may find out there is no narration currently on the powerpoint this is due to my limited resources available at this point in time to access a computer / microphone that will actually do what it is told and work for me (technology!). Although after reading others posts and having a sift around the slidecast application myself it seems that it is a tedious task to do and could easily be done within the powerpoint itself.
If this program was to be used within a classroom I feel that this could easily be incorporated within the learning design processes under Oliver's resource and learner support frameworks (as cited in Australian University Teaching Committee, 2003). The use of this program can be incorporated in several different ways within the classroom to not only enhance the students knowledge and skills base but it can be used as an effective resource in catering for all learner needs as it encompasses various multiple intelligences through the promotion of being able to confer, synthesise, discuss/brainstorm, view and hear (Cheek, 2006) skills and knowledge. This can be done through embedding powerpoints within classroom blogs or wikis which can assist students within their current learning experiences or can provide them with a revision tool for an upcoming assignment or test. The educator could also give students the link to the account which they can access at anytime anyplace and not have the additional costs and wastage of paper and photocopying for particular slides or documents they might need. It can also be an effective resource in helping to enhance students knowledge within a certain topic by exploring others work but could also help them enhance and refine their ideas to present or compile a good presentation or written assessment piece.
Overall this is an effective and engaging tool in which can be used within the classroom to ensure students are provided with resources and support to enhance their knowledge and skills base. When operating this program care must be taken not only to ensure student safety but also ensure that this program is used meaningfully and structured in order to provide student support, scaffolding their learning journey.
Australian Universities Teaching Committee. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from http://www.learningdesigns.uow.edu.au/project/learn_design.htm
Cheek, B. (2006). Multiple Intellegences. Retrieved August 14, 2009, from http://www.gp-training.net/training/educational_theory/multint/multint.htm
Slideshare. (2009). Slideshare. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from
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