Interactive White Boards
Interactive White Boards (IWB) are an effective resource and learner support (Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003) which are commonly replacing the old chal
k and blackboard method of delivering knowledge. IWB's or also commonly known as 'smart boards' combines a computer, projector and whiteboard together to transform your classroom into a dynamic learning environment (Interactive White Board.net, 2009) through its endless possibilities in creating an interactive and engaging learning design within the classroom. During my first year of prac I had the opportunity to work with an IWB and found it amazing to use especially throughout my lessons. On many occasions I used a virtual game online (which related to learning content) e.g. In grade one I was teaching students how to sort objects according to attributes, using a venn diagram in a virtual game I was able to check for the students learning and understandings. The use of IWB within this learning experience underpins Olivers ICT learning framework (as cited in Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003) through the effective use of a resource which complemented the development of the learning design through creating an interactive and fun activity for students to participate within, collaboratively help each other when having troubles while enhancing and storing the knowledge they have learnt.
Learning Management Systems
Within many educational environments we have seen a shift in the method and delivery of learning resources and knowledge from the paperback ways to the digital age. Within many highschools and universities there has been an increase in the use of Learning Management Systems such as Blackboard and Moodle to enhance student knowledge and promote aspects of student directed learning through scaffolded learning experiences (modules) through the provision of an online learning environment. This software designed for "delivering, tracking and managing training/education" (Wikipedia, 2009) can be implemented under the learning resources and learning support frameworks within Olivers ICT learning framework (as cited in Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003). LMS provide students with an easily accessed program which enhances collaboration between peers to gain understandings of a certain topic/aspect, self directed learning through allowing students to work at their own pace as well as the opportunity to extend and refine their knowledge through scaffolded and structured modules. It acts as a resource by providing students with the information needed to develop skills and knowledge within a particular topic/aspect while giving them the opportunities to extend this resource through the ability of researching outside of the LMS. While it supports the learner through instructional processes and a framework scaffolding their learning.
Australian Universities Teaching Committee. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from http://www.learningdesigns.uow.edu.au/project/learn_design.htm.
Interactive White Board.net. (2009). Smart Board Interactive White Board. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from http://www.interactivewhiteboard.net.au/aboutsmart/
Wikipedia. (2009). Learning Management System. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_management_system
Interactive White Boards (IWB) are an effective resource and learner support (Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003) which are commonly replacing the old chal

Within many educational environments we have seen a shift in the method and delivery of learning resources and knowledge from the paperback ways to the digital age. Within many highschools and universities there has been an increase in the use of Learning Management Systems such as Blackboard and Moodle to enhance student knowledge and promote aspects of student directed learning through scaffolded learning experiences (modules) through the provision of an online learning environment. This software designed for "delivering, tracking and managing training/education" (Wikipedia, 2009) can be implemented under the learning resources and learning support frameworks within Olivers ICT learning framework (as cited in Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003). LMS provide students with an easily accessed program which enhances collaboration between peers to gain understandings of a certain topic/aspect, self directed learning through allowing students to work at their own pace as well as the opportunity to extend and refine their knowledge through scaffolded and structured modules. It acts as a resource by providing students with the information needed to develop skills and knowledge within a particular topic/aspect while giving them the opportunities to extend this resource through the ability of researching outside of the LMS. While it supports the learner through instructional processes and a framework scaffolding their learning.
Australian Universities Teaching Committee. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from http://www.learningdesigns.uow.edu.au/project/learn_design.htm.
Interactive White Board.net. (2009). Smart Board Interactive White Board. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from http://www.interactivewhiteboard.net.au/aboutsmart/
Wikipedia. (2009). Learning Management System. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_management_system
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