Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Digital Storytelling
The use of digital storytelling within the classroom would be an effective and engaging tool enhancing their:
Writing Skills - through the construction of a story, its sequencing and proof reading.
Speaking and Visual Skills - through communicating, enunciation and projecting and phrasing.
Technical Skills - through the development of the movie operating a camera, sequencing tools as well as recording and adding voice and music elements.
Personal Development Skills - enhances self confidence and builds relationships.
(Digital Storytelling Association, 2009).
The Digital Storytelling Association (2009) provides educators with easy to follow steps and resources to use when implementing this effective pedagogical tool within the classroom. Through the provision of resources within the four steps of Planning, Production, Presentation and Assessment educators are able to scaffold the students learning journey throughout the task to ensure that it is meaningful (Digital Storytelling Association, 2009).
I would use this tool within my classroom through asking students to create their own story based on Persuasive speech. Students will be given an idea and they will need to take a biased approach and use the persuasive speech they have acquired over their unit to 'win' over their audience. This can be done in a creative fictional or non fiction genre. This would incorporate Kearsley & Shneiderman's Engagement Theory (1999) through the relating phase where students will be given an idea or statement that will be meaningful to them (may be related to current issue within the classroom, school or community) through this they will be collaborating on ideas and planning before they move into their creating phase which would be the compilation and completion of their digital story then they will be donating or sharing it with their fellow classmates.
This tool makes the learning authentic and real to our digital natives and has put an interesting modernised approach to 'story time' making it interesting and engaging.
Digital Storytelling Association. (2009). Digital Storytelling for Educators. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, G. (1999). Engagement Theory: a framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from
Reflective Synopsis
From this we are finding that many traditional teachers are unwilling to accept change and up skill themselves, enraging the students as they are not stimulated, understood or catered for within the classroom (Prensky, 2005), this is making them 'switch off' when they get into their learning environment instead of switching on and being challenged. Therefore there needs to be a shift in the educational paradigm of teacher delivery techniques. This can be accomplished through the implementation of elearning tools as a digital pedagogical strategy that supports current learning theories that underpin their incorporation within the learning design to ensure student success.
I must admit that before I started this elearning journey of technological enlightenment I classified myself as a digital immigrant as I have found that technology has passed me in the blink of an eye and although I am young I am definately not as digitaly savvy as many may believe! So like many others I was gob smacked at the diversity of digital tools that can be applied within the classroom to facilitate and ehnance meaningful learning experiences. Of course it is not soley the job of technology to enhance learning experiences as it only has the ability to enhance learnign if it is accompanied by intstructional designs with a comprehensive strategic foundation (Rosenburg, as cited in Krauss, 2003). So through my learning journey in this wonderful world of ICT based tools I have acquired a deeper knowledge and understanding of digital pedagogical practices and the implementation of these through adapted learning frameworks incorporating technology within education.
During my learning journey I have developed different ideas and strategies to incorporate elearning tools within the classroom through reflecting on the tools pedagogical abilities to promote and enhance higher order thinking skills. For example the creation of a classroom wiki or blog can be a fantastic way to engage and support learners into becoming higher order thinkers. Through the use of Blooms Taxonomy Thinking Skills (Frangenheim, 2005) the wiki can be incorporated into the classroom first through the foundation level where the learning manager is defining what a wiki is and how it is used, describing and explaining wikis to establish understandings and applying this knowledge through brainstorming and demonstrations. Once these processes are completed the next step is the movement into the student directed level which encompasses higher order thinking. This is where students work collaboratively together to analyse, evaluate and create (Frangenheim, 2005) the wiki and the content incorporated within it (an example previously given within the wiki blog was the creation of an online textbook). The following elearning tools can also be used in conjunction with the application of the wiki such as voicethread, slideshare, youtube and many more while embracing the strategy of Blooms Taxonomy Thinking Skills to scaffold the students learning to enhance their higher order thinking abilities.
These pedadagogical strategies encompass and underpin the contemporary learning theories of Kearsley and Sneiderman's Engagemnt Theory (1999) and Siemans Connectivism theory (2004). Through the relating phase of the Engagement theory students are connecting and collaborating to the task through its relation to an authentic problem or question posed. Students are then creating their meaningful project/activity (e.g. the creation of a textbook on the wiki) while embracing the processes of analysing, problem solving in a student directed approach (this aspect also interrelates and connects with Blooms Taxonomy Thinking Skills within the student directed level encompassing higher order thinking skills) and then finally donating it back to their community or school environment (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999). These pedagogical tools also intimately relate with Siemens (2004) alternate theory of Connectivism which incorporates learning and knowledge through a diversity of opinions while highlighting decision making as a learning process in itself (Siemens, 2004). This framework follows a student directed approach and can be effecitively used in conjunction with the Engagement Theory as students explore the different possibilities of their learning through enhancing and refining their knowledge and understandings.
There is another important theory actively used within learning designs that support the incorporation of these ICT mediated tools. Oliver's ICT Framework
(as cited in Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003) which bases itself on the interconnection of the learning experience, learning resources and learner support frameworks. These enhance the construction
an ICT mediated learning design focuses on scaffolding student success within assessment through the support of the three frameworks. These contemporary learning theory can be easily integrated into the classroom through the use of meaningful and authentic projects that will engage and motivate the learners through savvy technological tools.
Throughout my learning journey within this elearning course I have developed and enhanced my knowledge on not only several elearning tools such as slideshare, voicethread, powerpoints, google earth, class marker and many more but also on the different frameworks and learning theories which drive these pedagogical strategies into creating an authentic and meaningful learning design for students. These knowledges and understandings were developed and refined through the exploration of these elearning tools as well as the collaboration of peers and tutors made available on the Learning Management System of Moodle as well as our professional blogs and emails. This was an important component for myself as through the collaboration with peers I was not only able to network with others but also develop and share pedagogical approaches to these elearning tools and theories while gaining insight and knowledge on what others thought to help me reflect and change certain components within the learning design that may not be suitable.
Overall it becomes evident that within this continuously developing and changing world we as educators must ensure that our skills are continously being developed in order to successfully educate our students. As stated by Kinelev (n.d.) education is the saving grace to this rapidly changing world as it should embrace these changes providing the necessary skills for survival in today's day and age as well as sustaining development within the future. Elearning tools are an important aspect in not only enhancing students knowledge and understandings through its implementatoin of one of the learning theories but they prepare students for a futures orientation and lifelong learning.
Frangenheim, E. (2005). Reflections on Classroom Thinking Strategies. Loganholmw: Rodin Educational Publishing.
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory : a framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retireved August 20, 2009, from
Kelev, V.D. (n.d.). Education in the ever changing world. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Krauss, F. (2003). Instructional Designs for eLearning Approaches. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Prensky. (2001). Digital Natives Digital Immigrants. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf
Prensky, .(2005). Engage me or Enrage me - what todays learners demand. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism a Learning Theory for the Digital Age. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from
A blog full of goodies.....

Interactive White Boards (IWB) are an effective resource and learner support (Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003) which are commonly replacing the old chal

Within many educational environments we have seen a shift in the method and delivery of learning resources and knowledge from the paperback ways to the digital age. Within many highschools and universities there has been an increase in the use of Learning Management Systems such as Blackboard and Moodle to enhance student knowledge and promote aspects of student directed learning through scaffolded learning experiences (modules) through the provision of an online learning environment. This software designed for "delivering, tracking and managing training/education" (Wikipedia, 2009) can be implemented under the learning resources and learning support frameworks within Olivers ICT learning framework (as cited in Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003). LMS provide students with an easily accessed program which enhances collaboration between peers to gain understandings of a certain topic/aspect, self directed learning through allowing students to work at their own pace as well as the opportunity to extend and refine their knowledge through scaffolded and structured modules. It acts as a resource by providing students with the information needed to develop skills and knowledge within a particular topic/aspect while giving them the opportunities to extend this resource through the ability of researching outside of the LMS. While it supports the learner through instructional processes and a framework scaffolding their learning.
Australian Universities Teaching Committee. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Interactive White (2009). Smart Board Interactive White Board. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Wikipedia. (2009). Learning Management System. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mahara......documenting lifelong learning!
Mahara is an online eportfolio which allows you to store and document your learning jour

Mahara can be used within the classroom for all ages. Although for lower grades I would suggest it be kept and maintained by the teacher who may allow students to choose what they would like to document on their own learning portfolio, then as they progress into the upper primary years they are given control of their portfolio and taught how to manage and use this safely. This incorporates Kearsley & Shneiderman (1999) theory of Engagement. The use of a portfolio emphasises meaningful learning and student directed learning (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999). The creation and continuation of a eportfolio is based around the students being able to relate to this authentic means of learning through collaboration and networking with others as they create and enhance their knowledge within Mahara while sharing and donating their learning experiences and knowledge to others within the online community.
Overall the incorporation of an eportfolio within the classroom can prove to be effective educational program as students take hold of their own learning and immerse pride and motivation into their creation. It provides students with the abilities to watch the progress of their learning and help to evaluate their own journey making decisions and changes where they feel necessary. Although for this to be incorporated and used meaningfully within the educational context, a "cultural and philosophical shift in the mind of the student and the teacher to truly value reflective practice over a more traditional competitive and grade orientated approach to learning" (Brown et, al., 2007) In other words we as educators must make the shift from the traditional means of assessment to authentic means of assessment which encompass elements which are of importance to the students and within today's day and age a digital approach seems to be an interesting, engaging and prospective pedagogical approach.
Brown, M., Anderson, B., Simpson, M. & Suddaby, G. (2007). Showcasing Mahara: A New Open Source Portfolio. Retreived August 19, 2009, from
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Universtiy of Ballarat. (n.d.). Mahara. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Exploring the possibilities of VoiceThread...

The use of this tool within the classroom also takes a constructivist approach as the learning and knowledge that is being undertaken is resting within a diversity of opinions (Siemens, 2004). This can become evident through the diversity of opinions and knowledge that may be expressed by others on a particular topic presented within the VoiceThread, these opinions can then spark new interests or learning paths. This is allowing students to make decisions about their learning, choosing what to learn and how to acquire the information and knowledge needed (Siemens, 2004).
VoiceThread proves to be an effective web tool that can be introduced within the classroom. Although when doing this the educator must ensure that students are safe and create the one account that the students can access and have their own identities under this. This means no photographs of the students (if made public) and continuous monitoring must be done!
I have quickly done up a slide comprised of photos that were used within a recent unit on "Natural Disasters." There is no audio due to my lack of microphone, so I have just played around with some of the applications!
INCOMPETECH.....Music on the web!

File Storage....the new USB!
Creating an account was easy to do (probably one of the easiest places to sign up and navigate around by far) and allowed me to upload some templates and information in which I find useful and use on a daily basis. While on prac I have created several lessons and decided to share some of the lesson resources in which I have used during a mathematics lesson. These documents are 'shopping' activity cards which hold addition and subtraction word problems. These were used as a group rotation activity in conjunction with a shopping activity where students were in pairs and took on the role of a 'customer' and a 'register operator.' Each student was given a job to do and steps to follow to complete the activity (in our REAL life shop!). The students LOVED both these activities and worked for over an hour (a record for maths lessons!) without even complaining!
This program allowed me to upload these documents and easily send them to my mentor teacher without having the issue of my email slowing down the computer and clogging up my inbox. This is a great source to use for students within the classroom as well. These files can be shared anywhere with anyone and can be embedded within classroom webpages, blogs and wikis. These documents can take the role in limiting paper and photocopying expenses and wastage through supplying these online for the students to access and download. This can be effectively used as a learning resource and support tool for students when it comes to final exams or assessment pieces. Therefore underpinning Olivers ICT frameworks (as cited in Australian Universities Teaching Committee, 2003) of learner support and resources as it guides the learner through their learning journey while providing the appropriate resources and support needed to succeed.
Here are the links to my files below! These were created for a year six class and yes I know there is a mistake in two as my students kindly pointed out to me :) ! Sorry didn't have time to fix it! See if you can find them!
Australian Universities Teaching Committee. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved August 18, 2009, from
MediaFire. (2009). What is MediaFire? Retrieved August 18, 2009, from
Signing up with Slideshare!

Slideshare is a web based program which allows an online community a place to upload and share their work whether it be documents, powerpoints or adobe portfolios (Slideshare, 2009). Not only does this free program allow you to search and view slides made public by other users but it also gives you the choice of selecting and controlling your own privacy settings. Which within an educational environment is vital especially if students are interacting with the website and account. While using this program I found it interesting and seemingly easy to use when uploading the powerpoint, of course with help from the good old 'help toolbar.' The following powerpoint I have uploaded is based around a recent assessment piece our group (Hannah and Kobi) completed on Authentic Assessment. Although this is not the powerpoint we used in the presentation but one I have quickly done up with some of the main points highlighted. As you may find out there is no narration currently on the powerpoint this is due to my limited resources available at this point in time to access a computer / microphone that will actually do what it is told and work for me (technology!). Although after reading others posts and having a sift around the slidecast application myself it seems that it is a tedious task to do and could easily be done within the powerpoint itself.
If this program was to be used within a classroom I feel that this could easily be incorporated within the learning design processes under Oliver's resource and learner support frameworks (as cited in Australian University Teaching Committee, 2003). The use of this program can be incorporated in several different ways within the classroom to not only enhance the students knowledge and skills base but it can be used as an effective resource in catering for all learner needs as it encompasses various multiple intelligences through the promotion of being able to confer, synthesise, discuss/brainstorm, view and hear (Cheek, 2006) skills and knowledge. This can be done through embedding powerpoints within classroom blogs or wikis which can assist students within their current learning experiences or can provide them with a revision tool for an upcoming assignment or test. The educator could also give students the link to the account which they can access at anytime anyplace and not have the additional costs and wastage of paper and photocopying for particular slides or documents they might need. It can also be an effective resource in helping to enhance students knowledge within a certain topic by exploring others work but could also help them enhance and refine their ideas to present or compile a good presentation or written assessment piece.
Overall this is an effective and engaging tool in which can be used within the classroom to ensure students are provided with resources and support to enhance their knowledge and skills base. When operating this program care must be taken not only to ensure student safety but also ensure that this program is used meaningfully and structured in order to provide student support, scaffolding their learning journey.
Australian Universities Teaching Committee. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from
Cheek, B. (2006). Multiple Intellegences. Retrieved August 14, 2009, from
Slideshare. (2009). Slideshare. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from
The Wonderful World of WikiPedia!

Throughout my schooling years Wikipedia has been a website we have been told to AVOID AT ALL COSTS! Due to its unreliability many educational institutes do not allow its use as a form of gathering knowledge and using it as an academic reference. Due to this I have unfortunately never had the opportunity to explore this program and I was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of credible information that is on the site. After exploring the many pages on Wikipedia my views have changed in regards to its reliability as a source and its use as an educational tool. If you take the time to check its references to decipher the graffiti from the academic sources you will be pleasantly surprised like myself to find interesting and useful facts and resources that can be incorporated into the classroom.
While on my exploration of the site I came accross some of Wikipedia's sister projects. One sister project in which I thought would be a fantastic tool to incorporate within the classroom would be the Wikibooks. This wikimedia community is just like an online library with over
30 000 books created and edited by the online community (Wikibooks, 2009). Within this you can access a variety of books within different subject areas but my favourite by far is Wikijunior books for children. The books within this area are written by an online community of writers and teachers while being child friendly and reliable (Wikibooks, 2009).
Both Wikipedia and the Wikibooks (wikijunior) can be incorporated as pedagogical tools to help enhance the knowledge and skills of students within the classroom. Within a unit of work such as 'spinning in space' students could use Wikipedia to establish some ground knowledge within the area from here students can direct their own learning by establishing the direction of their learning by choosing what to study. Once this has been established the LM can incorporate the use of the Wikijunior books to enhance student knowledge and assist them within their learning journey, this could also be used as a means to spark brainstorming between the students on the subject. The use of the Wikipedia Encyclopedia and wiki book could be incorporated into learning design under Olivers resource framework (as cited in Australian University Teachers Committee, 2003). This learning design is focused on the Solar system and incorporates resources (Wikipedia and Wikibooks) which are ICT mediated and can be used as an effective pedagogical tool to scaffold the students learning through teacher support.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Discovering the pedagogical world of WebQuests.....
The use of this as a tool within the classroom is an effective means in incorporating students within the decision making processes while self directing their own learning. By allow students to move through different stages of work at their own pace choosing the direction they are going, they are making decisions about their learning and reflecting on the paths they have chosen. This according to Siemens (2004) is itself a learning process, which allows the students to choose the meaning and incoming information which is seen through a lens of a shifting reality. Their decisions can impact the solution or answer by showing that even though it may be the right answer now it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations that can occur in the information climate which may affect the decision (Siemens, 2004). The use of WebQuests also incorporates the frame work of the Engagement Theory developed by Kearsley and Shneiderman (1999) as it incorporates aspects of related to the students through a driving question or a task that through the collaborative processes undertaken encompassing problem solving
There are many different ways in which this learning tool can be incorporated within the classroom while embedding a real life and authentic approach. Fortunately I have had the opportunity to develop this skill in creating a WebQuest for a cohort of learners. This WebQuest encompassed a transdiciplinary approach as the learning outcomes selected crossed over into several KLA’s, the main ones present were English and SOSE. When creating a WebQuest one must ensure that deep and instructional thought processes are incorporated through the creation and implementation of a driving question within the design as well as an in depth search into web resources that can be used to extend and refine their knowledge. When done correctly WebQuests bring together an effective instructional design (such as constructivism) within curriculum requirements (March, 2002).
Dodge, B. (2007). Retrieved August 13, 2009, from
Kearsley, G . & Shneiderman, B . (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
March, T. (2003). The Learning Power of WebQuests. Retrieved August 13, 2009, from
March, T. (2002). Why WebQuests? Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Seimens, G . (2004). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. Retrieved August 19, 2009, from
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Google Earth!

Who doesnt love Google Earth? It is an encapturing, fun program which lets you "fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings" (Google Earth, 2009). Within an hour this free program allowed me to travel across the world and our galaxy to places I never thought I would ever get the opportunity to see up close!
The Google Earth program gives endless capabilities to educational learning designs within the classroom. There are various ideas and applications in how to incorporate Google Earth as an effective and engaging learning tool within the classroom, whether it be within a tertiary, high school or primary school setting. Within a year six class students are travel agents and are promoting the seven wonders of the world tour (or this could be extended for some students as to plan a backpacking trip around Europe or a location of their choice etc). As a project they need to explore the seven wonders of the world (whether these be ancient, modern, man made or natural) and create their own virtual tour to present to other students, within this presentation. The students virtual tour must be accompanied with dates, a schedule, flight costs and bookings (or transfers/car hires/ tours) as well as accommodation and a list of what they would need to take with them .
Kearsley and Shneiderman Engagement Theory (1999) encompasses the use of google earth within this learning design as it bases itself around authentic learning experiences which enhance collaborative learning involving active cognitive processes such as creativity, problem solving and critical thinking skills. Based upon the learning experience mentioned students students will be collaborating and working together to piece together their holiday tour/virtual tour gaining skills needed in order to book and prepare for your own holiday, together they will create a persuasive presentation to try and 'sell' their perfect and affordable holiday. The second aspect of the learning design incorporates the students creating their own virtual tour through the use of Google Earth. Students can use this program to find directions to where they need to go and can use it as an effective tool in sequencing their holiday route. The students will then present their holiday tour to the rest of the class (prospective clients) and try to 'sell' their holiday through the creation of their virtual tour and information. These sequenced steps within the learning design follow the create, relate and donate phases within the Engagement Theory giving students the opportunities to enhance their learning through an authentic project that encourages the development of skills needed to survive within society.
Of course this learning experience could easily be adapted to suit the type of learners that are in the classroom (whether this means extra scaffolding and more teacher directed learning experiences or more of a student directed approach).
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 13, 2009, from
Google. (2009). Google Earth. Retrieved August 13, 2009, from
Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009
You Tube
Warner, A. & Thoron, A. (n.d.). Incorporating Technology, YouTube and Learning in the Agriscience Classroom. Retrieved August 11, 2009, from
Thursday, August 6, 2009
ClassMarker Quiz

is a professional online testing website which assists individuals in creating easy to follow online tests/quizzes. This site assists the user/s by automatically marking and collating the results of the test or quiz for you (ClassMarker, 2009). This website has been designed to be used for a variety of different purposes such as for business training, educational purposes, recruitment, distance learning and online education and self study (ClassMarker, 2009). There are two accounts in which you can open with ClassMarker (2009) the

Olivers learning framework (as cited in Australian University Teaching Committees, 2003) basis itself on the interaction of the three aspects of learning tasks, resources and support. This framework supports the use of the quiz as a formative tool of assessment within a unit of work. Within the example of the recycling unit students are presented with a problem scenario based on recycling and work through a series of learning tasks (represented by the webquest) to try and find the solution. The next phase within the framework relies upon the resources needed to complete these learning tasks of course this would relate to the webquest but also to the incorporation of the online quizzes to assess for their understanding throughout their learning journey. The online quiz also contributes to student support as it supports the students in their learning by showing them what they have learnt and what they may need to revise.
As well as Olivers ICT framework this fits in well with Kearsleys and Schnidermans (1999) engagement theory as it is providing students instant feedback on their performance helping the students create a solution to the 'recycling problem' and sharing it with other learners.
Although this website seems to be an effective means of assessing students on line, I personally found that certain aspects of this program were hard to use, follow and understand. After days of navigating my way around the page and countless visits to the help page I finally produced a very simple multiple choice test called Learning Management. I selected this topic as I thought it would be fitting in nicely with my degree and highlights just a few important aspects of it. As it was not aimed at the students within my class I was unable to test it on them and if it did obtain certain information in regards to their current unit of work, it would be a bit tough trying to find the resources and time (when I am present) to allow them to complete and comment on the test.
Here is a link to my quiz :
Australian University Teachers Committee. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved August 1, 2009, from
ClassMarker. (2009). Free Quiz Maker for online Testing. Retrieved August 1, 2009, from
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved August 1, 2009, from
Reid, N. & McLoughlin, C. (2002). Computing Assisted Assessment: Designing online quiz questions to assess a range of cognitive skills. Retrieved August 1, 2009, from