Thursday, July 30, 2009
I have included a photo in which I have edited using the Picnik program. I have included the same photo I used above of my daughter to show how effective it can really be and not to mention FUN! I used the crop effect as well as one of the creative tools (sorry slipped my mind which one!).It is easy to use and navigate around (especially for all aged students - with some instruction) and can also promote knowledge and skills in how to edit photos as well as students being able to use these within projects such as brochures, the creation of webpages, wikis and blogs. It can also be an effective tool to get the students to edit their own pictures, print them out and place around the classroom giving the student pride in their room! The use of this program comes under the learning design and resources aspect within Oliver's framework (as cited in AUTC, 2009) as the teacher or LM is designing a lesson to enhance students abilities to capture and edit images for their final project, the students are then using the Picnik program to apply these different special effects to support information within the project and to make it stand out.
AUTC. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from

I have uploaded a picture I found on another members Flickr page and one of my own just to show how it can vary from being personal photos to those of nature etc, although I had to save the photo and upload from my computer as I could not figure out how to properly upload from the internet, any input or comments on this would be great! I think this site is perfect for the classroom (although proper safety precautions must be taken especially if photos of the children are posted on there) as it can not only be used a social and fun site for the students to display their work and pictures but it could also provide various educational purposes. Using students 'photography' pictures the teacher could use these as a starting point for imaginative writing, descriptive writing and many
AUTC. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from
Yahoo Company. (2009). What is Flicker. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from
Power Points - Introducing Packaging
At the moment the students are completing a unit on packaging and their task is to create a nutritious biscuit for the tuck shop and create its packaging. The class who has the best tasting nutritious biscuit and packaging will be selling their biscuits at the tuck shop. So a powerpoint would also be a fantastic tool to 'sell' their biscuit (although we must also work on the taste but first impressions always last!).
On the powerpoint (introduce and engage) the first slide will hold a video clip of the tuck shop lady issuing an inter class challenge to see who could create the perfect biscuit and packaging. The other slides would not only hold effective animations, entrances, and hyperlinks to specific sites to provide students with examples and pictures of biscuits,recipes and packaging but would also contain informative and useful information to assist them with their task. This use of the etool relates effectively to Kearsley and Schneiderman's (1999) as it "relates to a real world authentic problem" e.g. First slide presenting the tuck shops problem and competition, the biscuit, packaging and presentation powerpoint will then be 'created' and the solution will then be 'donated' to the judges and the rest of the school (their biscuits and packaging).
Overall the use of powerpoints is an effective tool to not only engage students but to enhance their knowledge, understanding and skills for a particular task. It is an easy and fun program to navigate around and has many talents such as charts, clip art, music, narration, video clips and many more to enhance the presentation and make it shine (ACT Media Ltd, 2009).
ACT Media Ltd. (2009). Power Point in the Classroom. Retrieved July 28, 2009, from
Kearsley, G. & Schneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved July 28, 2009, from
Monday, July 27, 2009
Voki Avatars
Creating a voki avatar was exciting and fun as I played around and made outrageous characters before I decided to settle with my simple character. I found this web site interesting and easy to navigate my way around (which would be easy for digital natives!)
I think that this effective tool can be useful in helping ESL learners within the classroom develop language, reading and writing skills. As students develop their skills they can begin to record their own voices enhancing their speech e.g. pronunciation skills. It can also be used as a fantastic tool to engage the learners within a topic or even give them a chance to introduce themselves as they wish to be perceived to their peers on collaborative classroom sites such as a wiki web page.
Following Oliver's (as cited in AUTC, 2003) learning design framework, the Learning Manager (LM) will not only be able to develop an effective strategic plan to ensure student success but will be able to incorporate the use of Avatars to enhance their learning. The use of voki avatars can be developed within the learning tasks and resources (AUTC, 2003) aspect of Oliver's framework. Through the LM developing a learning design based upon trying to enhance a ESL learners phonetic skills through creating an investigation into different phonemes within the English language. By choosing one particular phoneme to focus on the LM can model this and then incorporate resources such as the use of the avatar simulation to help engage the students, make the phoneme memorable and practice to find the phoneme within spoken words (The Reading Genie, 2009).
AUTC. (2003) Learning Design. Retrieved July 28, 2009, from
The Reading Genie. (2009). Making friends with Phonemes. Retrieved July 28, 2009, from
Voki. (2009). Voki Avatars. Retrieved July 28, 2009, from
Sunday, July 26, 2009
One idea conveyed within the group was students interacting and creating their own text book via a wiki website created by the teacher. The students would be given a topic and would discuss what they would write about within their text books e.g. whose point of view that would look at, what information they would include, how they would write the information (include journals, videos & other forms of text). From this the educator can assess what the students have collaborated and created, so they would be creating their own means of authentic assessment. Another idea is students can collaborate and gain skills via each year level e.g. grade 4 might create ideas for a story, grade 5 might write the story based on the collaboration of ideas and year 6/7 can edit and correct mistakes and finalise the book. Looking at these uses for wikis within the classroom it becomes evident that it follows the frame work of the Active Learning Processes ( ACU,2000). These steps within the active learning framework follows the Input, where students are accessing a multiple of sources through various senses such as visual materials (text, pictures, videos), audio (recordings, videos etc) and many more (ACU, 2000). The process is then followed where these students are interacting with these resources e.g. creating a text book with videos, diary entries etc stimulating multiple areas of the brain. Finally the students produce the output which would be the assessable item in which they have collaborated on and shown evidence of the active learning that has taken place (ACU, 2000). This according to Dales Cone (as cited in ACU ,2000) provides direct and purposeful experiences which is an effective and successful form of ensuring student success within the classroom.
ACU. (2000). What is Active Learning? Retrieved July 27, 2009, from
Peterson, E. (2009). Using a Wiki to Enhance Cooperative Learning in a Real Analysis Course 19 (1). Retrieved July 27, 2009, from Proquest Database
Google Reader

Sunday, July 19, 2009
As part of this course we are required to not only create a blog but also analyse a variety of elearning tools using a variety of different frameworks! So here is my blog and stay tuned for my views and analysis on a diversity of elearning tools!
Please feel free to place any comments on here along the way!